What are Sun Rashes?

Skin rashes are skin diseases induced intensified by sun exposure. A good clinical history will help guide the diagnosis and the possible causes that trigger them.

Sun Rashes, When do they Usually Appear?

Some sun rashes usually appear in early coil or summer and improve and even disappear later in the season; others are permanent.

What are the Main Symptoms of Skin Rashes?

What are the main Symptoms of Skin Rashes?

The lesions that appear are usually erythematous, sometimes bonus (wheals), accompanies by itching, pain and, in more severe cases, erosions and even residual scars can observe.

Why do these Skin Rashes Appear?

Within this type of eruption, numerous causes can cause them:

Metabolic factors would include the different types of porphyria’s and pellagra (vitamin B3 deficiency) as the most frequent causes.

Genetic diseases that cause extreme sensitivity to solar radiation, such as xeroderma pigmentosum, among others.

Skin diseases aggravate by sun exposure, including some autoimmune diseases such as cutaneous lupus erythematosus or dermatomyositis.

Both oral and topical drugs cause photosensitivity (skin reactions after photo exposure). It is imperative to include in the clinical history the list of medications that the patient takes to rule out that any of them may relate to the appearance of the clinical picture.

Plants and scented substances that, after coming into contact with the skin and subsequently being exposed to the sun, can cause characteristic skin rashes. These include, among others, Berloque ‘s dermatitis.

Idiopathic phot dermatoses. In this group, the cause that provokes them is unknown, proposing a possible abnormal immune response of the patient against the light. The polymorphous light eruption, juvenile spring eruption, and solar urticaria expect within this group.

Do they Occur in the Same way in Adults and Children?

The age at which this type of rash appears is significant to establish the diagnosis since if it appears in children, a genetic disease that could be causing it would have to be ruled out first best.

What is the Usual Treatment for Skin Rashes?

The most important thing is prevention, but once the clinical picture establishes, oral antihistamines can use (topical antihistamines recommend, as they can cause photosensitivity and contact dermatitis), topical or oral corticosteroids and topical calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus, pimecrolimus). Phototherapy and oral treatments with an immunomodulatory effect can use in select cases.

How can we Prevent the Appearance of Skin rashes?

After the cause has been established, to prevent flare-ups, the appropriate use of photo protectors, the suspension or substitution of the possible triggering drug and the control of the underlying disease will recommend. It will be necessary to use clothing that filters ultraviolet radiation, glasses with ultraviolet radiation absorbing filters, additional physical measures (sunglasses, hat, gloves…), and vitamin D supplements, among other criteria.

Any Recommendations for Spring? Sun Rashes

It recommends using a photo protector with SPF 50+. It is advisable to apply it half an hour before sun exposure and reapply it every two hours. Although they are resistant to water, it recommends to reapply them after bathing on the beach or pool. It is essential to duck prolong sun exposure during the central hours of the day (from 12:00 to 18:00). In children or adults with atopic dermatitis, it is advisable to use physical or mineral photo protectors.


Skin rashes can cause by various factors, counting infections, heat, allergens, immune system disorders, and medications. One of the most common skin disorders that causes a rash is atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema.

Atopic dermatitis is a permanent (chronic) rash that makes the skin thick, dry, and itchy. The condition can also cause small bumps around the hair follicles that look like goosebumps on brown or black skin.

Most of the time, the rash spots of atopic dermatitis occur in the folds of the skin, such as the inner knees (A) and ankles (B). The condition tends to appear periodically.

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