The Insurance and Guarantee Fund (FOSYGA) was created by Law 100 of 1993. Dependent on the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MINSALUD), to which all citizens contribute.
Since FOSYGA covers even the poorest and most vulnerable people who cannot pay the premiums. It is in charge of managing the funds generated by these premiums (generated by the so-called premium system) to provide priority health care and quality to all who need it. Regardless of whether or not they pay the premiums. ). Which is responsible for administering the system (what is known as the subsidy system).
Table of Contents
What are the Main Functions of Fosyga?
Since its creation. The Fund has been conceived as a monthly investment by all Member States to ensure the availability of the necessary resources to meet future health care needs. The fosyga collects and manages the resources so that the relevant authorities and service providers can provide such assistance.
In other words, this is one of the main economic resources for the Colombian State to comply with its guarantee of protecting the life and health of all its citizens.
The FOSYGA has replaced its functions by the Administrator of the Resources of the General System of Social Security in Health (ADRES), which was create by Law 1753 of 2015 on August 1, 2017. It is vital to note that, although this occurred on August 1, the name of the Fund and its different areas of activity remains as such. Therefore, even if you are affiliated, you can consult FOSYGA without any problem.
Therefore, given this Fund’s importance, we explain everything related to its operation and how you can join it.
Although it is clear that the main function of FOSYGA is the management of funds for adequate health care, this concept encompasses many aspects that are inseparable from this purpose and that, due to its wide scope and use, the Fund performs better and more effectively.
Fosyga Administrative Functions
As has already been held. This is the main task of FOSYGA, which is to manage the funds from the contributions of citizens and the Colombian State itself. To do this, the Fund uses a registration platform on its website ( Citizens must register to start contributing, provided they meet the parameters of the contribution system.
There is also the possibility that employers register their workers who comply with the contribution above regime and generate part of the funds managed by FOSYGA (now ADRES).
In addition, employers and all other job-creating sectors are also require to contribute to the Fund.
There are also Health Insurance Organizations (HIOs), which, as their name suggests, are in charge of encouraging citizens to join the SGB.
Fosyga Financial Functions
FOSYGA organizes and directs the flow of funds received from donations to feed organizations belonging to the public health system. This ensures that service delivery organizations (clinics, hospitals, laboratories, etc.) have the resources and infrastructure they need to deliver effective healthcare to citizens.
There are also specific features of the Fund that are manage through sub-accounts and targeted at specific situations.
Catastrophes and traffic accidents (ECAT): through this subaccount, FOSYGA (now ADRES) tries to provide adequate medical care to all members who have suffered physical or psychological damage as a result of events classified as catastrophes (floods, earthquakes, etc.), attacks by terrorist groups and, lastly, traffic accidents.
Fosyga 2022. What is it, and how to consult it
At Fosyga, now called Adres, you can check your FOSYGA EPS affiliation status. If you already know how to do it. We offer you direct access to the procedure, but not before reminding you of a summary of the steps to follow:
- In the dropdown, choose the type of document
- Enter the document number
- Click on CONSULT
- If you have problems, click here to see our complete guide.
Where to consult the Fosyga EPS 2022
Consultation of the Single Database of Affiliates BDUA of the General System of Social Security in Health BDUA-SGSSS
FOSYGA in Colombia: what it is, how to know if I am affiliated with EPS and how to download a certificate
We will tell you what FOSYGA is about and all the details you should know
One of the functions of ADRES is to receive monthly contributions from those interested in charging for medical and hospital care services. Once the money is collect, it is paid in hundreds of cases that require medical attention, accessing any of the affiliate EPS.
Thus, since the emergencies or pathologies that a person can present are different. The contributions that enter the FOSYGA, now called ADRES, are use for the citizen’s benefit from 6 different subaccounts we will mention below.
Fosyga Subaccounts
- ECAT: Accidents, serious physical and mental damage.
- Compensation: Improvement of the service to offer a system of total coverage to the member.
- Exception Regime: Intended for military personnel, police, Ecopetrol, and Teachers.
- Medications: Reimbursement for payment of medications not available to the EPS.
- Solidarity: It deals with those who do not have sufficient resources to carry out their affiliation, that is, the most vulnerable population.
- Promotion: Educational health prevention campaigns.
How do I Recognize if I am affiliated with the EPS? Process to Download your Certificate
The first thing you should do is consult your affiliate data, and the process to access it is as follows:
- Enter the FOSYGA / ADRES website.
- Once there, you can continue in two ways. So choose the one you prefer: Place the cursor on the main menu in the BDUA option. Where several options will be display, and you must click on Check BDUA Affiliates. You can also access it from the right side menu, on the button See your EPS.
- If you have not yet follow the procedure indicate above, you will save yourself a few steps with the consultation form available at the following LINK.
- Then you must select the document type and enter the number corresponding to it.
- Next, it proceeds to execute the reCAPTCHA. So the system knows that it is a person, not a robot, who makes the query.
- Finally, click Consult. The system will take you to all your information, among which you will find the EPS in which you are affiliate and your affiliation status.
- The download process is also quite simple. Once you are in front of your form, you must scroll down to the bottom and locate the Print option.
- You can save the document in PDF or Google Drive by clicking on it. Sending it to OneNote, and printing it whenever you want.
- Also, through the website of the EPS to which you are affiliate, you can download the respective certificate.
Why is it Profitable to be Affiliated with an EPS
It is profitable because it will avoid unforeseen health expenses since being affiliate with an EPS guarantees medical assistance in any eventuality.
Why Download and Print the Certificate?
There are two important reasons to download and print the document (online according to your needs):
- The printed certificate gives you the right to be treat in the services contemplate in the Obligatory Health Plan.
- Employers may require it to verify the status of their contributions.
Information and Customer Service
If you need more information. Here we leave you the telephone line and addresses of interest where you can make the query in person:
National free line 018000423737 and (57-1) 432 2760.
Address: Avenida Calle 26 # 69 – 76 Tower 1 Floor 17, Element Business Center, City of Bogotá
Postal Code: 111071
Business Times: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Online Procedures “My Social Security”
My Social Security is a website develop so that citizens can consult the General System of Social Security in Health and the General System of Occupational Risks.
You can transfer to another EPS. Consult the status of your affiliation and the registration history to the EPS, and even include or exclude your beneficiaries.
Petitions and Claims
If the EPS does not provide a timely solution to the request regarding your affiliation or other related procedure, contact the National Health Superintendence by clicking on the following button:
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