Methodology Definitions

As a methodology, it is called the series of methods and techniques of scientific rigour that are systematically applied during a research process to achieve a hypothetically valid result. In this sense, the methodology works as the conceptual support that governs how we use the events in an investigation.

The word, as such, derives from the Greek which means ‘method,’ and the suffix -logía, which derives from and interprets ‘science, study, treatise.’ Hence, it is also defined as the science of method.

We can find practice in diverse areas of study, such as the didactic methodology in Education or the legal methods in Law. In the same way, as for the solution of certain problems. We can apply a series of specific steps that, in short, work as a practice.

Investigation Methodology

The research methodology is a discipline of knowledge responsible for emerging, defining, and systematizing techniques, methods. And procedures that must follow while developing a research process for knowledge production.

It guides how we will approach an investigation and how we will collect, analyze and order the data, with the aim that our results are valid and relevant, and meet the standards of scientific demand.

The research methodology, in this sense, is also the part of a research project where the criteria adopted in the choice of methods, be it quantitative or qualitative, are explained and reasonably described.

Measurable Methodology

The quantifiable performance remains used by the natural or factual sciences, which uses quantifiable data access by observation and measurement.

Its analysis proceeds through statistics, the identification of variables, and constant patterns. His reasoning method is deductive, for which he works based on a representative sample of the studied universe.

Qualitative Methodology

The qualitative methodology is used to approach an investigation within social and humanistic sciences.

It focuses on all those features that cannot quantify. Its results cannot transfer to mathematics, so it is a rather interpretive, subjective procedure opposite to quantitative methodology.

His method of reasoning is inductive: it goes from the particular to the universal. Data access for analysis and interpretation through direct observation, interviews, or documents.

Project Methodology

The methodology of a project includes all the steps and procedures that must carry out to carry out a given project. This methodology can be practical to any project in various fields and is critical in meeting objectives.

The steps to follow vary liable on the project but are usually an organization, planning, execution, and control. These steps include specific activities such as the coordination of workgroups, the administration of resources, or the determination of objectives.

Hypothetical-Deductive Method

According to this method, science does not start from observation since sensitive data is not suitable for building hypotheses. The starting point of this method is the observation of a phenomenon, followed by a provisional idea that explains the said phenomenon. Then comes the deduction of the consequences and the verification of the deduced statements, in contrast with experience. This method entails a combination of purely rational reflection (the proposition of the hypothesis and the consequent deductions) and empirical observation (the moment of verification).

Practise and Method

It is essential to see the change amid achieve and way, two very related bases but assort senses. While the way is the impression with which the astute follows to accomplish an objective. The procedure is the science that studies those methods without dwelling on the pragmatic validity but – precisely – on the methodological one.

For example: In the case of the scientific way, it is thanks to the methodology that it was possible to devise this logical system used to generate scientific knowledge.

Learning of Methodology

The learning methodology is a discipline that contains a series of systems, methods, and strategies that, systematically implemented, help optimize the acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

Factors such as the organization of time (study schedules), the conditioning of the place of study, concentration, knowledge, interest, memory, clarity of thought, note-taking, good reading habits, revision, and preparing for an exam are all aspects that, when functional with methodological rigour, improve learning abilities and college performance. In short, it is the art of learning to learn.

Methodology in Social Sciences

Methodology in Social Sciences

In the field of social sciences, the resource of methodology focuses on the reality of society to arrive at a confident and forceful conclusion about an episode using observation and practical work typical of all science.

The distinction between the method (the name given to each select plan to achieve an objective) and the methodology (a branch that studies the method). The methodologist dedication to analyzing or verifying knowledge already obtain and accept by science: his task is to trace and adopt the right strategies to increase said knowledge.

The Case of Sports Training Methodology

The methodology of sports training consists of the rules that must follow within the organization to practice a sport. There are two types of methods in this field: multidisciplinary and integrated.

The multidisciplinary methodology is the one that considers the best sports performance. If obtained from the sum of the different elements that intervene, such as technique, tactics, and physical, psychological, and visual aspects. The goals achieved through clear and safe exercises.

The integrated methodology is based on sports practice and considers closely link technical, physical, psychological, and visual skills. This methodology seeks integration and combination between all the elements, but greater attention is paid to technique and tactics.

Essential Part of an Investigation

The methodology is an essential piece of all research (scientific method) that follows the propaedeutics. It allows for systematizing the procedures and techniques required to achieve the challenge. It should clarify that propaedeutics gives name to the accumulation of knowledge and disciplines that are necessary to address and understand any subject. The term comes from the Greek pró(“before” ) and paideutikós ( “referring to teaching” ).

The methodology to be efficient must disciplined and systematic and allow an approach. It allows analyzing a problem in its entirety. In other words, the method is a concrete resource that derives from a theoretical and epistemological position to select specific research techniques. The methodology depends on the postulates that the researcher believes are valid. Since the methodological action will be his tool to analyze the reality studio.


The term has its genesis in the Greek meta, which means to go beyond, path, and logos. In which means study, reason, or analysis. The methodology is nothing more than a set of rational-type elements used to achieve objectives related to an investigation. Therefore, the term is known as the research methodology or, failing that, as the methodology of a project.

This study technique can be seen in different areas of life; many careers apply the methodology to carry out any work. A basic example of this is the legal methodology.

It is common to refer to this term in studies that can apply in different areas or real situations. It is essential to know that the study techniques are extensive and that concentration and much analysis need to use them. When talking about the research methodology, it should mention. There is a dispute regarding the adjustments that can in different study methods. This is the subject of previous research. Over time, the debates multiple, even more so in human science.